- April 28, 2004
- Annual Committee Reports (04.49)
- Minutes (04.48M)
- Changes in Requirements for the Education Policy Studies Track of the Ph.D. program in History, Philosophy, and Policy Studies in Education (04.47)
- Revised Masters - IUPUI Language Education, Special Education, Elementary & Secondary Education, Education Leadership (04.46)
- Undergraduate Education and Planning Document (04.45)
- Change in Course Numbers in HPER Cognates (04.44)
- Request from School of Journalism Regarding Program Change (04.44)
- Modification to Secondary Science Education Program (04.43)
- Master of Science in Music Education with Certification (04.41)
- Speech and Hearing Regarding Program Change Request (04.40)
- Long Range Planning Committee Report Regarding Core Campus Issues (04.39)
- Education Council By-Laws (04.38)
- Guidelines for Granting Release Time to Faculty for Supervision of Student Teachers (04.37)
- Review of Clinical and Research Faculty Ranks (04.36)
- Agenda (04.35A)
- Undergraduate Education: A Planning Document (04.25)
- March 24, 2004
- February 25, 2004
- Minutes (04.27M)
- Electronic Faculty Summary Annual Report (04.26)
- Undergraduate Evaluation: A Planning Document (04.25)
- Computer Educator Licensure (CEL) Program (04.24)
- Programs for All Grade Physical Education, B.S. Applied Health Science, B.S. Kinesiology: Physical Education (04.23)
- Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership Program (04.22)
- Report from Committee on Teaching (04.21)
- Agenda (04.20A)
- January 28, 2004
- Minutes (04.19M)
- Procedures for Determining New Department Chair for Curriculum and Instruction 04.18)
- IUB Grievance and Hearing Committee for Revisions of the Grievance/Appeals Policy and Procedures (04.17)
- Revision of the Education Council Constitution (04.16)
- Structure and Organization of the School Committee (04.15)
- Agenda (04.14A)
- Procedures for Determining New Department Chair for Curriculum and Instruction (83.34)
- November 19, 2003
- October 29, 2003
- October 1, 2003
- April 30, 2003