Each spring Trustees' Teaching Awards are made to honor outstanding teaching during the previous academic year. Winners of the award for the School of Education will be chosen by an ad hoc committee appointed by the School’s Faculty Development Committee. Please note: Members of the Faculty Development Committee who are nominated for a Trustees’ Teaching Award will not serve on the committee that makes recommendations for awards.
From the Academic Handbook
Be it Resolved by the Board of Trustees of Indiana University, that:
- The Teaching Excellence Recognition Award (TERA) is abolished.
- The Trustees' Teaching Award is hereby established.
- The Trustees' Teaching Award shall be awarded before the completion of each academic year, beginning with 2000-2001, to the following:
- tenured and tenure-track faculty, and
- full-time lecturer and clinical faculty whose primary duty is teaching, who have demonstrated that they are the best teachers.
- The recipients of the award shall receive a sum of $2,500.