Eligibility and Criteria


IU School of Education in Indianapolis students can be awarded at least $1000 to support their academic endeavors. Students are encouraged to apply for any scholarship provided they are:

• A full-time student (12 credit hours)
• Enrolled or enrolling in an urban education program for Fall semester
• In good standing with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0
• Able to meet the criteria specified in the scholarship descriptions

Preparation Checklist

The application process is multi-step, which includes a university general application. Prepare the following materials before sitting down to submit your application online:

1. Review the available scholarships to determine which one(s) you want to apply
a. Submit the university general application first
b. Then review and apply for major-specific scholarships

2. Request faculty/staff references in advance. Confirm the name and email address as you will include this in your application
a. Select an IU Indianapolis faculty/staff member familiar with your academic work
b. Ivy Tech transfer students may use an Ivy Tech faculty member for a reference

3. Prepare a brief personal statement on the following topics: 

URBAN EDUCATION: How has your thinking about teaching in an urban setting evolved since you began the teacher education program? Discuss the challenges you may still face and the progress you have made. (Limit 500 words or less)

FINANCIAL NEED: Please describe the nature of your financial need as specifically as possible and why you should receive the scholarship award(s). (Limit 500 words or less)

EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AND SERVICE: Please describe your extra-curricular and service activities. (Limit 500 words or less)

4. Additional written statement may be required based on the scholarships for which you apply

We wish you the best as you submit your application for a School of Education scholarship