Gena Vogelgesang
Teacher Education Admissions Coordinator, Undergraduate LicensingPhone: 317-274-5046
Email: gvogelge@iu.edu
Graduate Advisors

Contact Sharice Booker to schedule an appointment for the following:
- School Counseling MSED
- Elementary Ed ATAC & DBAC initial licensure (formerly T2T)
- English as a New Language, initial licensure
- License Renewal
- Non-Degree LMHC course inquiry
- Secondary Ed ATAC & DBAC initial licensure (formerly T2T)
- Special Ed, initial licensure
- Urban Education Studies, doctoral program

Contact Ketha Troutman to schedule an appointment for the following:
- Elementary/Secondary Urban Ed MSED (Non-Licensure)
- Elementary/Secondary Technology Ed MSED (Non-Licensure)
- Language Ed MSED (License holders & Not Seeking Licensure)
- License Renewal
- Literacy and Learning- Graduate Certificate
- Special Ed MSED (License holders & Not Seeking Licensure)
- Urban Education Leadership MSED
- Urban School Leadership - Graduate Certificate