Study Abroad

Explore the world with the School of Education

Embarking on a study abroad program is not just a simple trip; it is a transformative experience that will broaden your horizons and enrich your understanding of the world. At the School of Education in Indianapolis, we believe in the power of experiential learning outside the confines of a traditional classroom. Our programs are designed to immerse students in new cultural experiences, challenge their perspectives, and ultimately, shape them into global citizens.

An intellectual and cultural adventure

Transformative impact

When you participate in a study abroad program with us, you are not just gaining academic knowledge – you are embarking on an intellectual and cultural adventure. You will have the opportunity to engage with diverse perspectives, immerse yourself in new ways of thinking, and develop a deeper understanding of global issues. By stepping outside of your comfort zone and exploring unfamiliar territories, you will not only expand your intellectual horizons but also gain a newfound appreciation for different cultures and ways of life.

Studying abroad has the power to change the way you see the world, other people, and yourself. It allows you to step out of your comfort zone, confront challenges, and discover strengths you never knew you had. The experiences you gain while studying abroad will not only enhance your academic knowledge but also shape your personal growth and perspective on life. You will return home with a renewed sense of self, a broader worldview, and a deeper appreciation for diversity.

From Indianapolis to Ghana

Photo: Ghana study abroad group in front of Kakum Canopy Walkway in Ghana.
Dr. Tina O'Neal leads short-term study abroad program to Ghana

Dr. Tina O’Neal, a renowned expert in urban and special education, is currently at the helm of a groundbreaking new study abroad program. This past summer, she embarked in leading a group of six urban education students on an inaugural short-term study abroad program to Ghana, a country in west Africa.

This program is the result of a new partnership forged between the Indiana University School of Education in Indianapolis, the University of Ghana, and the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. The primary goal of this collaboration is to provide professional development opportunities in inclusive education to Ghanaian educators. Moreover, the program aims to broaden the perspectives of IU Indianapolis students on urban education by placing them in a global context.

IU News article on Ghana study abroad

Ghana study abroad program interviews

Before the short-term study abroad trip, the School of Education sat down with students, faculty member Dr. Tina O'Neal and Dean Tambra Jackson, to ask them a few questions!

Africa Study Abroad Program Interview - Dr. Tina O'Neal and Dean Tambra O. Jackson, Ph.D.

Africa Study Abroad Program Interview - School of Education Students

Support students on their journey

Photo: The inaugural group that travelled to Ghana in May 2024 alongside Dean Tambra Jackson.

Dean Tambra Jackson's vision for the School of Education

Contributing to the Dean's Fund will play a crucial role in advancing Dean Tambra Jackson's priorities and vision for the School of Education. By supporting the Dean's Fund, you are ensuring that there are unrestricted resources available to help the school remain innovative and competitive.

Dean Jackson's vision includes advancing teaching, research, and community engagement with faculty
and staff. It is through the Dean's Fund that these
goals can be achieved, allowing the School of
Education to thrive and excel in its mission.

Since taking the helm, Dean Jackson has invested in the Ghana Study Abroad program, which has been approved for a three-year period. As part of the Ghana Study Abroad program, representatives from the School of Education, including undergraduate students and a graduate assistant, will have the opportunity to travel to Ghana for a two-week immersive experience. It is through initiatives like these that the School of Education continues to push boundaries and foster a culture of excellence.

Give a gift to the Dean's Fund today

IU Global Gateway Program

At the IU School of Education in Indianapolis, we are committed to promoting global education through immersive international experiences. Our students have the unique opportunity to engage in transformative global learning, whether through the IU Global Gateway program, which offers international student teaching placements in countries like Ghana, Australia, and Germany, or through the Inspire, Educate, Transform short-term study abroad program to Ghana. These initiatives empower our students to build meaningful relationships across cultures, gain fresh perspectives on teaching practices, and develop a broader worldview essential for today’s diverse classrooms.

This program is a fantastic way for IU Indianapolis students to expand their horizons and enhance their teaching careers on a global scale.

More info on the IU Global Gateway Program

Don't take our word for it though. Just ask Samantha Barajas about her experience in Spain while student teaching. Below are a few photos and quotes about her experience with the IU Global Gateway Program.

Studying abroad exceeded every expectation I once had and broadened my perspective in ways I never imagined. After my experience abroad, I discovered a passion for pursuing a career internationally and plan on going back for a short period of time.

The people who traveled with me, along with those I met along the way, are what truly made this experience unforgettable. Getting the chance to buy my wedding dress while abroad is an experience I will always treasure and hold close to my heart forever.