The Dean's Advisory Council supports the mission of the Indiana University School of Education Indianapolis through Dean Tambra O. Jackson’s vision and priorities. In collaboration with the Dean and Director of Development, the Council provides guidance and support to assist in developing and implementing the school’s strategic efforts related to institutional advancement.
• To inform and provide counsel to the Dean as well as be briefed by the Dean on issues, opportunities, and challenges relating to the School of Education
• To advocate for the School of Education and help strengthen relationships across the state to support the growth and success of the School’s mission
• To help strengthen and expand the School of Education’s philanthropy through fundraising and networking support
The Council will include up to 15 individuals who are invited to participate by the Dean of the IU School of Education Indianapolis. Members will consist of School of Education alumni and donors along with civic leaders and community members who are passionate about urban education. The Dean and the Director of Development will serve as ex-officio members.
Council members will be appointed to an initial term limit of two years, July 1 to June 30. Individuals may be reappointed after their original term.
The Council will meet in person three times a year, and there will be a virtual option available for those who require it.