Most recent featured publications

A Critique of Hallinger's “Empirical Reflection”: How Systemic Racism and Systemic Sexism Can Structure Our Research “Choices?”
In this article, James Joseph “Jim” Scheurich. Ph.D., points out the specific choices Hallinger made in his "Critical Reflections" research.
James Joseph Scheurich, "A Critique of Hallinger's “Empirical Reflection”: How Systemic Racism and Systemic Sexism Can Structure Our Research “Choices?”", Educational Administration Quarterly, © James Joseph “Jim” Scheurich. Ph.D. 2023. Quarterly.
Publication archives
IU School of Education at IUPUI faculty, Lasana Kazembe, author of the live, multimedia theatrical presentation that honors the life, art, and creative legacy of novelist and poet Richard Wright, "The Voodoo" made its national premiere Fall 2021 on public television markets.
Thu Suong Nguyễn - Faculty
Spatial production and hybrid placemaking in marginalized communities: An academic love letter to our sons
Nguyễn T.S.T., Maxcy B.D. (2020) Spatial Production and Hybrid Placemaking in Marginalized Communities: An Academic Love Letter to Our Sons. In: Papa R. (eds) Handbook on Promoting Social Justice in Education. Springer, Cham.
Annela Teemant - Faculty
Theorizing equitable approaches to family-school collaboration
Teemant, A., Borgioli, G., Sherman, B. J., & Santamaría Graff, C. (2020, Online September 24, 2020 ) Theorizing equitable approaches to family-school collaboration. Theory into Practice.
Teresa Sosa- Faculty
Disrupting rules of emotion in an urban english classroom
Sosa, T., Hall, A., Collins, B.T., (2020). Disrupting Rules of Emotion in an Urban English Classroom English Teaching: Practice and Critique.
Brandon Sherman - Faculty
Coaching and teacher growth-as-becoming: A rhizomatic inquiry into effectiveness in professional learning
Sherman, B., & Teemant, A. (2020). Unravelling effective professional development: A rhizomatic inquiry into coaching and the active ingredients of teacher learning. Professional Development in Education, 1–14.
A rhizomatic case analysis of instructional coaching as becoming
Sherman, B., Haneda, M., & Teemant, A. (2020). A rhizomatic case analysis of instructional coaching as becoming. In K. Toohey, S. Smythe, D. Dagenais, & M. Forte (Eds.), Transforming language and literacy education: New materialism, posthumanism, and ontoethnics (pp. 104-119). Routledge.
Cristina Santamaria Graff - Faculty
Models of school-family relations
Santamaría Graff, C., & Sherman, B. (2020). Models of school-family relations. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford University Press. doi:;jsessionid=A8688C2E0C6D24F5D50E6770917F1119
Examining pre-service special education teachers’ biases and evolving understandings about families through a family as faculty approach
Santamaría Graff, C., Manlove, J., Stuckey, S., & Foley, M. (2020): Examining pre-service special education teachers’ biases and evolving understandings about families through a family as faculty approach. Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth.
How do we arm ourselves with Love? Examining "Armed love" through educators' critical conversations in an online platform
Santamaria Graff, C. (in press, December 2020). How do we arm ourselves with love? Examining "armed love" through educators' critical conversations in an online platform. In D. J. David (Ed.), United we stand: The role of spirituality in engaging and healing communities. (1st ed, chapter 15). Contemporary Perspectives on Spirituality in Education Series. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing
Co-Investigation and Co-Education in ‘Family as Faculty’ Approaches: A Repositioning of Power
Santamaría Graff, C. (2020): Co-Investigation and Co-Education in ‘Family as Faculty’ Approaches: A Repositioning of Power, Theory Into Practice, DOI:10.1080/00405841.2020.1829380Santamaría Graff, C. (2020): Co-Investigation and Co-Education in ‘Family as Faculty’ Approaches: A Repositioning of Power, Theory Into Practice, DOI:10.1080/00405841.2020.1829380
Latosha Rowley - Student
Susan Kigamwa - Student
Speak up, speak out: Urban doctoral student voices
Rowley, L., & Kigamwa, S. (2020). Speak up, speak out: Urban doctoral student voices. Engage Vol 1: No.2, 77-80. doi:
Jomo Mutegi - Faculty
A critical examination of the influence of systemic racism in shaping the African STEM research workforce
Mutegi, J. W. (2020). A critical examination of the influence of systemic racism in shaping the African STEM research workforce. In E. O. McGee & W. H. Robinson (Eds.), Diversifying STEM: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Race and Gender (pp. 107-121). New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Windows and mirrors: three images of the US science curriculum as reflected through Kenya’s Jua Kali
Mutegi, J. W. & Momanyi, L. O. (2020). Windows and mirrors: three images of the US science curriculum as reflected through Kenya’s Jua Kali. Cultural Studies in Science Education. doi: Medina - Faculty
The power of community school councils in urban schools
Medina, M. A., Grim, J., Cosby, G., & Brodnax, R. (2020). The power of community school councils in urban schools. Peabody Journal of Education, 95(1), 73-89.
Community schools as a vehicle for social justice and equity
Medina, M. A., Murtadha, K. H., & Grim, J. (2020). Community schools as a vehicle for social justice and equity. In R. F. Kronick (Ed.), Emerging perspectives on community schools and the engaged university (pp. 80-97). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Cleveland Hayes - Faculty
Interest Convergence
Collins II, B. T., & Hayes, C. (in press). Interest Convergence. In Z. A. Casey (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Critical Whiteness Studies in Education
Hayes, C. (2020). The Art of Portraiture: An urban school art teacher use of art as creative resistance. In R.Papa (Ed). Handbook of Promoting Social Justice in Education. Switzerland: Springer.
The salience of Black mentors on the teaching praxis of Latino male teachers
Hayes, C. (2020). The salience of Black mentors on the teaching praxis of Latino male teachers. Race Ethnicity and Education, 23(3), 414-431.
Hardy Murphy - Faculty
Poor, minority students at dilapidated schools face added risks amid talk of reopening classrooms
Murphy, H. (2020). Poor, minority students at dilapidated schools face added risks amid talk of reopening classrooms. Retrieved from Thompson (Faculty)
Chalmer Thompson (Faculty)
Jim Scheurich (Faculty)
Shanna M. Stuckey (Staff)
Sha'Kema Blackmon (Faculty)
Cleveland Hayes (Faculty)
Gina B. Yoder (Faculty)
Gina B. Yoder (Faculty)
Gina B. Yoder (Faculty)
Annela Teemant, Gina B. Yoder, Cristina Santamaria-Graff (Faculty)
Gina B. Yoder, Cristina Santamaria-Graff, Annela Teemant (Faculty)
Annela Teemant, Gina B. Yoder, Cristina Santamaria-Graff (Faculty)
Annela Teemant, Gina B. Yoder, Cristina Santamaria-Graff (Faculty)
Jomo Mutegi (Faculty)
Jomo Mutegi (Faculty)