
As a Teacher Education student, you'll get field experience from the start

While you will spend many hours on the IU Indianapolis campus soaking in teaching theory and other critical subjects, you’ll also spend a lot of time in the surrounding community, teaching in field-based classrooms.

Why? Because we believe that the best way to learn to teach is to apply your knowledge in a classroom setting.

By the time you graduate, you’ll be a seasoned professional ready to do your part to prepare future generations for success.

Learn more about where you'll be teaching

Take your education career in any direction you please after graduation

Public and private school systems across the country, including universities, are hungry for well-qualified teachers, administrators, and faculty. The skills you’ll acquire here are applicable across a wide variety of industries and professions, from counseling to human resources.

Learn more about education career opportunities

Find your place at the IU School of Education in Indianapolis