Elementary Education

Become a Champion for Change: Join the Urban Teacher Ed Program and Shape the Future of Elementary Education

The Urban Teacher Ed Program will prepare you to be a transformative teacher of elementary-aged children. You will join a "cohort", become an "intern", and learn from experienced faculty members who conduct urban education research and collaborate with mentor teachers in local partnership schools.

Breaking Barriers: Dasia Joyner's Story of Triumph in Pursuing an Elementary Education Degree

Hear Dasia Joyner's story about how a School of Education scholarship made it possible for her to finish her degree.

Description of the video:

Hi, my name is Dasia Joyner. I teach third grade at Springmill Elementary School in Indianapolis. I chose IUPUI School of Education program because I really liked the core values of being culturally diverse and representing students of all walks of life. And I felt that being there at IUPUI gave me all the tools that I need to be successful and to give my students what they deserve and what they need. The school of education experience impacted me through my experiences with working with schools around Indianapolis and building relationships with teachers that we're building me up. It really showed me realistically what it's like to be in a classroom. It truly made me a stronger teacher, really, I think it gave me all of the tools that I needed to be successful in my first-year. Receiving the Patricia Payne and Mary & O'Dell Thompkins Memorial Scholarship scholarship has impacted my teaching journey in the most amazing way. And I want to thank the IUPUI school of education scholarship donors.

More Connections, More Engaging Moments: How Annabelle Bloomer Went From IU Bloomington to Connecting with IU Indianapolis

Hear Annabelle Bloomer's story about how a School of Education scholarship made it possible for her to finish her degree.

Description of the video:

My name is Annabele Bloomer. I teach at Springmill Elementary kindergarten. I chose IUPUI School of Education. I was at IU Bloomington and I was a psychology major. My switch to IU School of Education there, I wasn't loving the big school atmosphere. I wanted more connections with my teachers, more connections with my classmates, just more intimate classrooms. And I decided to transfer IUPUI and I got exactly that. And I also got like being in Indianapolis, which is where I was going to teach. And they all we're all familiar with indianapolis and they were familiar with that area and or had been teachers there to the school of education, opened my eyes to urban education. And it definitely opened my eyes to different experiences and experiences that I didn't think that I was going to participate in. My student taught in IPS, and I absolutely fell in love with it. And I said public education is for me and that is what I'm gonna be doing for the rest of my life. Now, the constant scholarship impacted me, not even knowing that it would even be a possibility for me. It definitely gave me just hope in everything. Putting yourself out there, telling your story, telling your why, and just realizing that there's help out there are going to school, it was already really hard for me financially. It was like an added stress onto the schoolwork and everything else. The ability to receive scholarships and the ability to receive help with all of that gave me a lot of extra relief and less stress. If I didn't have those scholarships, I probably would have had to take a break with school. I probably wouldn't be able to complete the program and the time that I was able to complete it. So it was a huge blessing. Thank you so much to the IU School of Education donors. I couldn't have done this without you.

Learn more about Elementary Education