- May 4, 2011
- April 27, 2011
- Minutes (11.60M)
- Masters in Elementary Education with a Focus on Early Childhood - IUPUI (11.58)
- Masters in Secondary Education with a Focus on Urban Education - IUPUI (11.57)
- Masters in Elementary Education with a focus on Urban Education - IUPUI (11.56)
- Selection of CEP Department Chair (11.54)
- Promotion Tenure Criteria IUB (11.53 IUB)
- 2011 Promotion and Tenure Criteria (11.53)
- IUPUI Position Statement on Scholarship Values (11.52)
- Name change for ET2T Program (11.51)
- Agenda (11.50A)
- Masters in Educational Leadership: Teacher Leadership (11.48)
- Masters in Educational Leadership: K-12 Building Level (11.47)
- FMLA for Graduate Students (11.29)
- March 23, 2011
- Graduate License in Exceptional Needs: High Incidence (Mild Intervention) Certification (IUB) (10.50)
- Minutes (11.49M)
- IUPUC B.S. Elementary and Early Childhood Education (11.46)
- Indiana Content Standards for Educators: Elementary Generalist (11.45)
- A.S. Early Childhood Transfer Guide to IUPUC (11.44)
- IUPUC Elementary Articulated K-6 Teacher Preparation Program (11.43)
- Ivy Tech to IUPUC Transfer Agreement (11.42)
- Bachelor of Science in Education Program Outline (IUPUC) (11.41)
- Agenda (11.40A)
- Masters Degree in Special Education (IUB) (10.39)
- Overview of Elementary K-6 Program Changes (IUPUC) (11.38)
- Indiana Content Standards: Early Childhood Generalist (11.37)
- License Plus Masters in Special Education: High Incidence Certification (11.36)
- Curriculum Planning for Elementary K-6 Program (11.35)
- Revisions to Secondary Teacher Education Program (IUPUI) (11.34)
- Secondary Spanish Education Revisions IUPUI (11.33)
- Revisions to Elementary Teacher Education Program (IUPUI) (11.32)
- Secondary Social Studies Education Revisions IUPUI (11.31)
- Secondary English Education Revisions IUPUI (11.30)
- February 23, 1011
- January 26, 2011
- December 8, 2010
- November 17, 2010
- Minutes (11.18M)
- Creation of New Faculty Rank: Professor of Practice Proposal (11.16)
- LCLE reconfigured credit hour distribution to elementary program (11.14)
- Agenda (11.13A)
- Masters & License in Mild Intervention (11.11)
- MS Degree in Counseling - Course change proposal (11.10)
- Graduate License in Exceptional Needs: High Incidence (Mild Intervention) (10.50)
- October 27, 2010
- September 29, 2010
- April 21, 2010