- April 25th, 2012
- Minutes (12.47M)
- School of Education goals revised (12.46)
- Grade Inflation (12.45)
- Proposal for GRE Waiver for Master's in School Counseling IUPUI (12.44)
- Approval for High Ability License Program (12.43)
- IUPUC Procedures for Promotion and Tenure (12.42)
- Proposal for GRE Waiver for Master's in Educational Leadership (12.41)
- Proposed Revisions to the Early Childhood Program (12.40)
- Agenda (12.39A)
- March 21, 2012
- February 22, 2012
- January 25, 2012 (Meeting cancelled due to lack of agenda items)
- December 7, 2011
- November 9, 2011
- October 26, 2011
- September 28, 2011
- Minutes (12.14M)
- Masters of Science in Elementary Education focus on Early Childhood (12.13)
- Masters of Science in elementary Education focus on Urban Education (12.12)
- Masters in Education with a Focus on Technology (12.11)
- Masters of Science in Secondary Education focus on Urban Education (12.10)
- FMLA for graduate students (12.09)
- Proposal to change PhD Program in Higher Education (12.08)
- Proposal to change EdD Program in Higher Education (12.07)
- Doctoral Minor in Family Psychology Proposal (12.06)
- Agenda (12.05A)
- April 27, 2011