
- Graham, J. & Coomer, M.N. (2018). When schooling hurts: Professional school counselors as mitigates for school-based trauma. Journal of Global Engagement and Transformation, 2(1).
- Thorius, K.K., Moore, T.S., & Coomer, M.N. (submitted). We can do better: Critically reframing special education research and practice at the intersections of disability and cultural and linguistic diversity for young children In J. Bakken Y F. Obiakor (Eds). Advances in special education (Vol. 34): Special education for young learners with disabilities.
Courses Taught
- H440: Sociopolitical Contexts of Education
- K307: Methods of Meeting the Needs of Special Learners
- K465: Collaboration and Service Delivery
News Articles
- Coomer, M.N. (2017, Jun. 22). Roxane Gay’s Hunger: A feminist/dis/ability (or not) take on bodies and access. The Huffington Post. Retrieved from
- Coomer, M.N. (2016, Aug. 10). Biting the invisible hand: The teacher’s fight against corporate education reform. The Huffington Post. Retrieved from