Dr. Magee has a PhD in Physical Chemistry from City University of New York - The Graduate Center. After completing a postdoctoral position at Eli Lilly & Co, Dr. Magee earned her Indiana teaching license at IU Indianapolis.
She is currently a Clinical Professor in Science Education and the Coordinator of the Alternative Certification Programs at the School of Education. In this role Dr. Magee works with local school districts to offer the District Based Alternative Certification (DBAC) programs for district employees looking to earn a teaching license in Indiana (K-12).
Dr. Magee supervises and mentors student teachers as a part of this role and works closely with school districts in central Indiana.
Dr. Magee teaches graduate courses in science teaching and becoming a culturally relevant teacher.
- BS Chemistry 1983 - Binghamton University, NY
- PhD Physical Chemistry 1992 - City University of New York
- Secondary licensure in Chemistry, Earth Space Science & Technology 1997 - IU Indianapolis (formerly IUPUI)
- E548 - Teaching Science in the Elementary School
- M500 - Integrated Teaching Seminar
- M550 - Elementary Student Teaching
- Y520 - Strategies for Instructional Inquiry
- Y510 - Action Research
- E328 - Science in the Elementary School
- M320 - Diversity in Learning
- W200 - Using Computers in Education
- Q200 - Introduction to Scientific Inquiry
- Science Education
- Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
- Whiteness Studies
- School District Partnerships
- Alternative Certification Programs
- Alternative Certification pathways
- Preparing culturally relevant science and math teachers
- Elementary teacher preparation
Recent Publications:
- Cartwright, T., Hemler, D. & Magee, P. A. (forthcoming). Changes in conceptions of climate change by Appalachian middle-level students. Electronic Journal of Research in STEM Education.
- Magee, P. A., Willey, C. J., Ceran, E., Price, J. & Barrera Cervantes, J. (2020). The affordances and challenges of enacting culturally relevant STEM pedagogy. In C. C. Johnson, M. J. Mohr-Schroeder, T. J. Moore & L. D. English (Eds). Handbook of Research on STEM Education. New York, NY: Routledge.
- Willey, C., & Magee, P. A. (2018). Whiteness as a barrier to becoming a culturally relevant teacher: Clinical experiences and the role of supervision. Journal of Educational Supervision 1(2), 33-51.
- Phelps Moultrie, J., Magee, P. A., & Paredes Scribner, S. M. (2017). Talk About a Racial Eclipse: Narratives of Institutional Evasion in an Urban School–University Partnership. Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership, 20(1), 6-21
- Willey, C. J. & Magee, P. A (2015). Teacher educators and pre-service teachers working through the complexities of whiteness and race in mathematics and science. In N. M. Joseph, C. M. Haynes & F. Cobb (Eds), Interrogating whiteness and relinquishing power: White faculty’s commitment to racial consciousness in STEM classrooms. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing.
- Digital Education Hub (DEH) for Rigorous Remote Learning with Communities INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION $1,179,104.89 Dates Funded: May 21, 2020 - September 30, 2022
- Teacher Residency Grant w/Bloomington Project School $30,000.00 Dates Funded: August 2020 - December 2021
- Indiana STEM Teacher Recruitment Fund Grant Program: Hoosier STEM Academy BALL STATE UNIVERSITY Awarded: $155,068.00 Dates Funded: July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021
- Developing Culturally Relevant Mathematics and Science Teachers through Collaborative Action Research IU School of Education in Indianapolis $35,000.00 Dates Funded: May 2018 - May 2019
- Trustees Teacher Award – Indiana University – IU Indianapolis (formerly IUPUI) 2007
- Teacher Excellence Recognition Award – IU Indianapolis (formerly IUPUI) 2000
- Teacher Excellence Recognition Award – IU Indianapolis (formerly IUPUI) 1999
- Outstanding Future Educator – Indiana Association of Colleges for Teacher Education - 1997
- Favorite Professor Award – IU Indianapolis (formerly IUPUI) 1997
- Magee, P.A. & Fleming, A. (2020). Using Environmental Study Units in 3rd Grade. Paper presented at the mid-Atlantic Association for Science Teacher Education. Online Conference. September 2020
- Magee, P.A. (2020). Lessons Learned from a Climate Change unit as a Vehicle for “Authentic Science Inquiry” Paper presented at the Association of Science Teacher Education (ASTE). San Antonio, TX. January 2020
- Magee, P.A. (2019). Racial Consciousness in Elementary Science Teacher Education: Culturally Relevant Pedagogy and Critical Whiteness Studies. Paper presented at the Association of Science Teacher Education (ASTE). Savannah, GA.
- Magee, P.A., Leeth, J.H. & Fleming, D. (2019). Culturally relevant teaching in science. Paper Presented at the Hoosier Association of Science Teachers Inc (HASTI) Conference. Indianapolis, IN, 2/2019
- Cartwright, T., Hemler, D. & Magee, P.A. (2019). Progress on Climate Change Perceptions after NGSS Adoption: a US, UK and Australia Comparison. Paper presented at the European Science Education Research Association Conference. Bologna, Italy 8/2019
- Magee, P.A. (2019) Culturally Relevant Science Teaching in an Elementary Science Methods Course. Paper presented at the annual mid-Atlantic ASTE regional conference, Pipestem, WV 9/29
- Magee, P.A. & Leeth, J. H. (2018). Real Assessment through authentic project-based work: Artifact boards, student snapshots and documentation panels. Paper presented at the annual Hoosier Associate of Science Teachers Inc. (HASTI) conference. Indianapolis, IN 2/10
Grants and Funding:
- 2020 - 2022 Digital Education Hub (DEH) for Rigorous Remote Learning with Communities INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION $1,179,104.89
- 2010 - School of Education Summer Research Award - $5,000
- 2009 – Eli Lilly & Company - Student driven inquiry in math and science education - $25,000
- 2008 – IU Indianapolis (formerly IUPUI) Jump Start XL Online Course development grant - $2,500
- 2006-2007 - Solution Center IUPUI/SMART Partnership Evaluation Project Award - $25,000
- 2005-2006 – Programmatic Review and Assessment Committee, IU Indianapolis (formerly IUPUI) - $2,000
- 2005-2006 - STEP Grant - $1500
- 2002-2003 - IU Indianapolis (formerly IUPUI) Gateway Group Interdisciplinary Course Grant - $1,500
Professional Associations:
- Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE)
- Hoosier Association for Science Teachers, Inc. (HASTI)