Dr. Brandon Sherman is an educational researcher specializing in qualitative inquiry, particularly case studies involving interviews and videography. Analytic approaches include discourse analysis, thematic analysis, and video analysis.His current research focuses on Enduring Principles Pedagogical Coaching, related to the US Dept. of Ed. NPD grant funded project, Project CELEBRATE, on which he is a co-PI. Dr. Sherman's research interests include dialogic interaction and pedagogy, personal and professional identity, teacher agency and professional development, school-family partnerships, nonlinear and critical posthuman theory, and qualitative research methodology.He has completed one Specialist project through the English Language Programs (working with Russian EFL teachers and pedagogical coaching), and is currently an Alumni Ambassador.Dr. Sherman has over 10 years of experience teaching English as a Foreign Language abroad, mainly in South Korea at the postsecondary level. He is also a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (Ukraine, group 29, 2005-2008).He is the current president of Indiana Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (INTESOL) and is the Editor-in-Chief for INTESOL Journal.Dr. Sherman has published a wide array of topics, including: Coaching in education, language learning technology, teacher identity, teacher agency, expatriate teacher identity, meta-ethnography, science education in the Anthropocene, and critical sociocultural theory in teaching.
- Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction (Language, Culture, and Society), The Pennsylvania State University, 2016
- EDUC H341: American Culture and Education
- EDUC L530: Professional Learning Projects
- EDUC Y510: Action Research
- EDUC L539: Language Foundations for ESL/EFL Teachers
- EDUC H440: Capstone seminar in American Elementary Education
- EDUC L540: ESL/EFL Instruction and Assessment Approaches
- Instructional coaching
- Pedagogical coaching
- Sociocultural theory
- Critical theory
- Teacher identity
- Teacher agency
- English language teaching and learning
- Educational technology
- Nonlinear
- Complexity
- Critical posthumanism
- Educational philosophy
- Culture and education
- Equity
- Multiculturalism
- Action research
- Qualitative
- Research methodology
- Thematic analysis
- Sociocultural theories of learning
- Coaching in education
- Teacher agency
- Transdisciplinary research
- Teacher identity
- Nonlinear theory
- Complexity theory
- Critical posthuman theory
- Educational philosophy
- Resistance in education
Recent Publications:
Selected Publications (see Researchgate profile for complete list)
- Sherman, B., & Teemant, A. (2023). Pedagogical coaching as identity work: Cultivating and negotiating ESL teacher identity narratives. Journal of Language and Identity in Education. Advance Online Publication. 10.1080/15348458.2023.2224000
- Sherman, B. (2023). Unraveling the EFL expat: Challenging privilege through Borderlands and Asia as Method. Asia Pacific Education Review. 24, 239-250. 10.1007/s12564-022-09790-5
- Sherman, B., & Teemant, A. (2022). Unravelling effective professional development: A rhizomatic inquiry into coaching and the active ingredients of teacher learning. Professional Development in Education, 47(2), 363-376.
- Sherman, B., & Teemant, A. (2022). Agency, identity, and power: An agentive triad model for teacher action. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 54, 1464-1475.
- Sherman, B. (2021). A rhizomatic CALL: Technological becoming in the language classroom. The Canadian Modern Language Review, 17(4), 374-391.
- Sherman, B., Bateman, K., Jeong, S., & Hudock, L. (2021). Dialogic meta-ethnography: Troubling methodology in ethnographically informed qualitative inquiry. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 16(1), 279–302.
- Teemant, A., Sherman, B., & Tyra, S. (In Press). The long arc of learning: Perspectives and innovations from 20 years of National Professional Development projects. TESOL Journal.
- Teemant, A., Sherman, B., & Dagli, C. (In press). A mixed method study of a critical sociocultural coaching intervention: Teacher and student outcomes. In K. Johnson, P. Golumbek, & J. Rieker (Eds.), Transformative L2 teacher education innovations: Insights from Vygotskian sociocultural theory. Routledge.
- Teemant, A., Upton, T., & Sherman, B. J. (2024). Inclusive learning communities: An English learner framework for all educators. TESOL Journal.
- Haneda, M., Madany-Saa, M., Teemant, A., & Sherman, B. (2024). Tensions in school context and teacher praxis in equity-oriented professional learning. Teaching and Teacher Education, 140, 104480.
- Teemant, A., & Sherman, B. (2022). Coaching content teachers toward pedagogical equity for multilingual students. The European Journal for Applied Linguistics and Teaching English as a Foreign Language, 11(1), 169-187.
- Teemant, A., Borgioli Yoder, G., Sherman, B., & Santamaría Graff, C. (2021). An equity framework for family, community, and school partnerships. Theory Into Practice, 60(1), 28–38.
- Santamaría Graff, C., & Sherman, B. (2020). Models of school-family relations. In U. Sharma & S. Salend (Eds.), Oxford research encyclopedia of education. Oxford University Press.
- Haneda, M., Sherman, B., & Teemant, A. (2019). Assisted performance through instructional coaching: A critical sociocultural perspective. In M. Haneda & H. Nassaji, (Eds.), Perspectives on language as action (pp. 212–227). Multilingual Matters.
- Haneda, M., Sherman, B., Nebus Bose, F., & Teemant, A. (2019). Ways of interacting: What underlies instructional coaches’ discursive actions. Teaching and Teacher Education, 78, 165–173.
Project CELEBRATE (Cultivating Equitable Learning Environments, Building Readiness, Advancing Teacher Education) - A National Professional Development grant funded initiative under the US Department of Education.
Selected Presentations:
- Investing in ourselves: Instructional coaching as a space for negotiation of professional identity and language education. Sherman & Teemant 2019 International Language Teacher Education Conference Minneapolis, MN
- Coaching and Teacher-Becoming: A Rhizomatic Inquiry into Teacher/Coach Interaction as Assemblage. Presidential Session, Non-Linear Perspectives on Teacher Development Across the Professional Continuum 2019 AERA Annual Meeting Toronto, Canada
- Exploring the Culture of Instructional ICT use in an Educational Context Symposium Session on Dialogic Meta-Ethnography 2018 AERA Annual Meeting New York, NY
- Representation of Discourse and Interaction: Returning to Transcription as Theorization Haneda, Sherman, Nebus-Bose, Daymon Amory, & Blair 2017 American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Annual conference, Portland, OR
- Language Learning through Digital Bricolage Sherman & Briggs 2016 SAI Joint International Conference, Seoul, South Korea
Grants and Funding:
Professional Associations: