My research and teaching focus on preparing K12 teachers to work with multilingual learners. Under this umbrella, I publish on innovative critical sociocultural program development, English as a New Language teacher preparation, and pedagogical coaching. I have been awarded seven U.S. Department of Education teacher quality grants totaling $14 million dollars. My current federal grant (2022-2027; $3 million) is entitled Cultivating Equitable Learning Environments, Building Readiness, Advancing Teacher Education. The Metropolitan School District of Pike Township and Westfield Washington Schools are our partners, with 500+ educators participating, receiving ENL certification tuition scholarships, becoming School Change Leaders, or participating in a three-year series of summer seminars followed by pedagogical coaching. These opportunities lead to individual and institutional change that is radical, measurable, and replicable for improving educational outcomes for English Learners. My mixed methods research explores teacher, leader, coach, and student learning and the relative importance of educators’ knowledge of language, culture, and pedagogy for improving student learning.
I have published in TESOL Quarterly, Language Teaching Research, Teaching and Teacher Education, Language and Education, Urban Education, Teaching for Excellence and Equity in Mathematics, and Critical Education. I have also published more than 30 multimedia-based teacher preparation resources. (Available online through I teach undergraduate and graduate courses on inclusive learning communities, second language literacy, assessment, critical sociocultural pedagogy for content-based learning, and research design.
- Ph.D. 1997 The Ohio State University, Foreign and Second Language Education
- M.A. 1988 Brigham Young University, Teaching English as a Second Language
- B.A. 1983 Brigham Young University, Speech Communications, Secondary Education
- EDUC-L 436 Methods and Materials for Teaching ESL
- EDUC-L 441 Introduction to Bilingual Education
- EDUC-L 505 Second Language Literacy Instruction
- EDUC-L 524 Language Issues in Bilingual and Multilingual Education
- EDUC-L 525 Practicum in Language Education
- EDUC-L 540 Approaches to Instruction and Assessment
- EDUC-S 503 Secondary School Curriculum
- EDUC-Y 650 Topics in Inquiry: Theory, Design, and Methods in Literacy Research
- International comparative studies on qualities of excellence among teachers of multilingual learners. English as a New/Second Language Teacher Preparation for Urban Settings.
- Target-based pedagogical coaching for teachers working with English Language Learners in the regular classroom.
- Innovative program development and evaluation, including extensive multimedia development for online and flipped classroom use.
- Higher education reform that benefits multilingual learners.
Dr. Teemant's research and teaching focus on preparing K12 teachers to work with multilingual learners.
Recent Publications:
Sample of Recent Publications:
- Sherman, B. J., & Teemant, A. (2023). Pedagogical coaching as identity work: Cultivating and negotiating teacher identity. Journal of Language, Identity & Education
- Sherman, B., & Teemant, A. (2023). Coaching and Narrative Identity Work: Tactics for Identity Work with Language Teachers. OASIS Summary of Sherman & Teemant (2023) in Journal of Language, Identity, & Education.
- Flynn, N., Teemant, A., Viesca, K., & Perumal, R. (2023). Effective Teachers of Multilingual Learners: A Mixed Method Study of UK and US Critical Sociocultural Teaching Practices. TESOL Quarterly.
- Flynn, N., Teemant, A., Viesca, K. & Perumal, R. (2023). Effective teachers of multilingual learners. OASIS Summary of Flynn, N., Teemant, A., Viesca, K. & Perumal, R. (2023) in TESOL Quarterly.
- Teemant, A., & Sherman, B. J. (2022). Coaching content teachers toward pedagogical equity for multilingual students. The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL, 11(1), 169-187.
- Viesca, K. M., Teemant, A., Alisaari, J. Ennser-Kananen, J., Flynn, N., Hammer, S., Perumal, R., & Routarinne, S. (2022). Quality content teaching for multilingual students: An international examination of excellence in instructional practices in four countries. Teaching and Teacher Education, 113. DOI:10.1016/j.tate.2022.103649
- Sherman, J., & Teemant, A. (2022). The Critical Space Between: Weaving Freirean and Sociocultural Pedagogies. In S. R. Barros & L. C. de Oliveira (Eds.), Paulo Freire and Multilingual Education: Theoretical Approaches, Methodologies, and Empirical Analyses in Language and Literacy (1st ed., pp. 42-58).Routledge.
- Tyra, S., Sherman, B.J., & Teemant, A. (2021). Coaches need coaches: Shadow coaching as systematic support for coach professional learning. The Learning Professional, 42(2), 56-59.
- Sherman, B. J., & Teemant, A. (2021). Agency, identity, power: An agentive triadic model for teacher change. Educational Philosophy and Theory, DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2021.1929174
- Teemant, A., Yoder, G.B., Sherman, B. J., & Santamaría Graff, C. (2021). An equity framework for family, community, and school partnerships. Theory into Practice, 60(1), 28-38, DOI:10.1080/00405841.2020.1827905
- Sherman, B.J., & Teemant, A. (2021). Unraveling effective professional development: A rhizomatic inquiry into coaching and the active ingredients of teacher learning. Professional Development in Education, 47(2-3), 363-376.doi: 10.1080/19415257.2020.1825511.
- Teemant, A. (2020). Reframing the space between: Teachers and learners in context. Language Teaching Research,24(1) 82-93. doi: 10.1177/1362168818777527
- Sherman, B., Haneda, M., & Teemant, A. (2020). A rhizomatic case analysis of instructional coaching as becoming. In K. Toohey, S. Smythe, D. Dagenais, & M. Forte (Eds.), Transforming language and literacy education: New materialism, posthumanism, and ontoethnics (pp. 104-119). Routledge.
- Haneda, M., Sherman, B. J., Nebus Bose, F., & Teemant, A. (2019, February). Ways of interacting: What underlies instructional coaches’ discursive actions. Teaching and Teacher Education, 78, 165- 173. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2018.11.017 (Advanced online version available at:
- Viesca, K. M., & Teemant, A. (2019). Preparing content teachers to work with multilingual students. In L. C. de Oliveira (Ed.), Handbook of TESOL in K-12 (pp. 371-385). John Willey & Sons Ltd.
- Haneda, M, Sherman, B., & Teemant, A. (2019, February 28). Assisted performance through instructional coaching: A critical sociocultural perspective. In M. Haneda & H. Nassaji, (Eds.), Perspectives on language as action: Essays in honour of Merrill Swain (pp. 212-227). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
- Teemant, A. (2018). Sociocultural theory as everyday practice: The challenge of K-12 teacher preparation for multilingual and multicultural learners. In J. P. Lantolf, & M. E. Poehner (Eds.) with M. Swain (pp. 529-550), The Routledge handbook of sociocultural theory and second language development. New York, NY: Routledge.
- Teemant, A., Sherman, B. J., Wilson, A. (2018). Differentiating mathematics Instruction for multilingual students using critical sociocultural practices. Teaching for Excellence and Equity in Mathematics,9 (1), 26-36.
- Haneda, M., Teemant, A., Sherman, B. (2017). Instructional coaching through dialogic interaction: Helping a teacher to become agentive in her practice. Language and Education, 31(1), 46-64.
- Teemant, A., Hausman, C.S., Kigamwa, J. C. (2016) The effects of higher order thinking on student achievement and English proficiency. INTESOL Journal, 13(1). Retrieved from
- Teemant, A., Leland, C., & Berghoff, B. (2014). Development and validation of a measure of Critical Stance for instructional coaching. Teaching and Teacher Education, 39, 136-147. Retrieved from
- Teemant, A. (2014). A mixed methods investigation of instructional coaching for teachers of diverse learners. Urban Education, 49(5), 574-604. DOI:10.1177/0042085913481362
- Teemant, A., & Hausman, C. S. (2013). The relationship of teacher use of critical sociocultural practices with student achievement. Critical Education, 4(4). Retrieved from
- Teemant, A., Wink, J., Tyra, S. (2011). Effects of coaching on teacher use of sociocultural instructional practices.Teaching and Teacher Education, 27(4), 683-693. DOI: 10.1016/j.tate.2010.11.006
- Critical Sociocultural Pedagogical Coaching Interactions. Using videotaped longitudinal instructional coaching sessions, I am exploring the coach-teacher and teacher-student dialogue resulting from instructional coaching interactions when critical sociocultural perspectives explicitly define our coaching pedagogy. Developing publications with Dr. Mari Haneda (Penn State University), Dr. Brandon Sherman, and Dr. Serena Tyra, we focus on coach-teacher dialogue as inquiry and teacher agency, especially the moment-to-moment interactions that cultivate agency.
- Teacher Competencies for Teaching Multilingual Learners. This line of quasi-experimental and mixed methods research explores teacher knowledge of language, culture, pedagogy, and equity-mindedness using survey, observation, and interview methods. I collaborate with various scholars nationally and internationally, contributing to the knowledge base for teaching multilingual student populations.
- Education for Liberation: School Change Leadership. This new line of inquiry explores the power of school-based leadership teams to scale up critical sociocultural equity mindsets and pedagogical practices that improve the learning outcomes of historically marginalized student populations. Dean Tambra Jackson and I developed this trainer-of-trainer approach to equity pedagogy as part of an Indiana Department of Education Grant. With Lumina Foundation funding, we piloted it with Ernie Pyle Elementary (2022-2023), with statistically significant and positive teacher and student learning outcomes. We are scaling up and continuing our research with this approach in several other elementary schools in the MSD of Pike Township.
- Translating Research Into Practice (TRIP), Scholar of the Month (March 24, 2023)
- Best of the Best in Indiana Higher Education, Indiana TESOL (November 14, 2020)
- Nominated, AERA Second Language Research Special Interest Group Leadership Through Research Award (January2019)
- Trustee’s Teaching Award, IU School of Education in Indianapolis, in recognition of commitment to excellence in university teaching (April 21, 2017)
- Nominated for Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Multicultural Teaching (January 2014)
- Trustee’s Teaching Award, IU School of Education in Indianapolis, in recognition of commitment to excellence in university teaching (April 19, 2012)
- Burton W. Gorman Distinguished Teaching Award, Indiana University in recognition of innovation and creativity in teaching (April 20, 2012)
- Pro Cultura Hungarica Medal, Hungary's Minister of Culture and Education in recognition of research contributions to Hungarian culture and education as a U.S. Information Agency ESP/ESL Fellow (1993)
Recent Presentations:
- Jackson, T. O., Teemant, A., Clark, V., Rivera, F., Nathan A., & Bangert, S. (2024, April). Education for Liberation: Centering Marginalized Students in a Theory-to-Practice Model of School Change [Symposium.] American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
- Sherman, B. J., Santamaría Graff, C., & Teemant, A. (April 16, 2023). Families as citizens in schools: A model for circles of family participation. [Poster Session.] American Educational Researchers Association, Chicago, IL.
- Flynn, N. & Teemant, A. (April 13, 2023). Enabling and constraining factors in teachers’ professional learning for multilingual pedagogy: A US-UK collaborative study. [Paper.] American Educational Researchers Association, Chicago, IL.
- Teemant, A. (April 13, 2023). One instrument, four contexts: International explorations of pedagogical language knowledge. [Symposium Discussant.] American Educational Researchers Association, Chicago, IL.
- Hughes, S., Knight, N., Teemant, A., & McLaughlin, C., (June 23, 2023). Evaluating the effectiveness of a district’s EL program and services. National Convening on English Learners’ Civil Rights Virtual Conference. US Department of Education, Washington, DC.
- Teemant, A., Dagli, C., Sherman, B. J. (2022, April 6). A Quasi-Experimental Study of an ENL Certification Program and the Relationships Among Student Learning Outcomes and Teacher Knowledge of Language, Culture, Pedagogy, and Equity-Mindedness. U.S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition, Washington, DC.
- Brown, S., Teemant, A., de Jong, E., & Herbert, F., Idle, L. E. (2022). Assessment concerns of Pre-K-12: Guidance for educators and administers (Intersection Session Virtual Panel). TESOL International Association, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
- Teemant, A. (2022, September 29). Advancing equitable family-school partnerships through a values framework. WIDA Annual Conference, Louisville, KY.
- Teemant, A. (2018, April 14). Using critical sociocultural perspectives in instructional coaching for radical change. Roundtable: Instructional coaching as theory driven professional development. American Education Research Association, New York, NY.
- Teemant, A. (2018, May 30). Reframing the space between teachers and learners in Context: Lessons from 20 Years of Practice. [Keynote address.] Massachusetts Association of Teachers of Speakers of Other Languages, Boston, MA.
Grants and Funding:
Most Recently Funded Projects:
- Teemant, A., Sherman, B. J., & Prada, J. L. (2022). Project CELEBRATE: Cultivating Equitable Learning Environments, Building Office of English Language Acquisition: National Professional Development Program Grant, United States Department of Education. Principal Investigator; 25% Effort; $2,999,077.00. September 1, 2022-August 31, 2027.
- Teemant, A., & Jackson, T. (2021). Education for Liberation: School Change Leadership for Racial Equity and Justice. Lumina Foundation for Education, INC. Co-Principal Investigator; 12.50% Effort; ID 2102-1113782: $250,000.00 from May 10, 2021-June 30, 2023. Funded May 10, 2021.
- Jackson, T., & Teemant, A. (2021). IUPUI Cultural Competency: Leading Radical Change. Indiana Department of Administration on behalf of Indiana Department of Education Request for Services 19-072 Cultural Competency Training and Support. Co-Principal Investigator; 12.50% Effort; Funded for $499,999 August 16, 2021-August 31, 2023.
- Jackson, T., & Teemant, A. (2019). IUPUI Cultural Competency: Leading Radical Change. Indiana Department of Administration on behalf of Indiana Department of Education Request for Services 19-072 Cultural Competency Training and Support. Co-Principal Investigator; 12.50% Effort; $498,308 August 16, 2019-August 15, 2021; Funded May 23, 2019.
Professional Associations:
- American Educational Research Association (AERA)
- American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL)
- International Language Teacher Education
- Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) | International Association
- Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
- Phi Delta Kappa (PDK)