Great Lakes Equity Center

Connect to innovative resources outside the classroom

The IU School of Education in Indianapolis is home to a renowned research center that provides opportunities for professional development and collaboration with researchers, educators, and community and school leaders.

Great Lakes Equity Center

Established in 2011, the Great Lakes Equity Center (Executive Director, Dr. Kathleen King Thorius) at the IU School of Education in Indianapolis was one of ten Equity Assistance Centers (formerly Desegregation Assistance) funded by the United States Department of Education.

As of 2016, the Great Lakes Equity Center re-structured and is now an organizational hub for an array of research, technical assistance, and educational resource development projects, including the Midwest and Plains (MAP) Equity Assistance Center (Director of Operations, Dr. Seena Skelton). Collectively, we are committed to school and system transformation toward racial, disability, and other forms of educational justice: the MAP Center provides three-tiers of technical assistance related to race, sex, national origin, and religion desegregation to K-12 public education agencies in a 13-state region free-of-charge; the Great Lakes Equity Center continues to partner with community, non-profit, and private organizations across the U.S. on equity-driven systemic transformation, professional learning, and collaborative inquiry projects.

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