Dual License with a Master's Degree

Special education program assertions

Special education programs at the IU School of Education in Indianapolis are designed to prepare educators through coursework and authentic, inclusive urban field experiences who:

  • Value their work with and in racially, ethnically, income, ability, and linguistically diverse, urban communities.
  • Hold critical understandings of historical, political, social, cultural, pedagogical and philosophical values, beliefs, practices, and processes that have shaped how dis/ability is defined and implemented in educational settings.
  • Explore and question intersections between race, class, gender, and other social group memberships and special education eligibility, placement decisions, and services.
  • Provide rigorous, universally accessible, culturally and individually responsive, and highly engaging learning experiences for all students, particularly those with dis/abilities.
  • Engage in multiple forms of shared practice with general education and other education and community colleagues to ensure access, participation, and positive life outcomes for students with dis/abilities.
  • Develop and foster collaborative relationships and partnerships with students, families, and community members.
  • Examine and effectively challenge current constraints for educating students with dis/abilities in inclusive, neighborhood, educational settings.
  • Advocate for policies and practices in schools and society that promote high quality, inclusive, and culturally responsive services and supports for all students, particularly those with dis/abilities.

The Master's program in special education

The Master’s program in special education (33 credits) is designed for professionals who already have an undergraduate degree and who want to learn about special education toward a variety of career goals including building capacity to teach all learners in general education environments, working in community disability-related organizations, and engaging in doctoral work in special education. Graduates with a Master’s in Special Education only will not be eligible for a state-issued teaching license in mild and intense interventions. An additional practicum is required for mild interventions certification. Two additional courses plus an additional practicum is required for intense interventions certification.

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