Graduation - FAQ

The School of Education Recognition Celebration

Frequently Asked Questions

May 13th, 2025

Event starts at 6:00 p.m.

Please plan for a one and a half-hour program.

RSVP is required as it helps us track numbers and needs for special accommodations. Registrations will close on April 12th.

School of Education Recognition Registration Form

Each graduate is allowed to bring up to five guests. This allocation is designed to ensure that there is adequate seating for all attendees and that each graduate has the opportunity to invite their loved ones.

Yes, children do count in the guest count, unless they do not require their own seat. If a child will be sitting on an adult’s lap and not occupying a separate seat, they do not need to be included in the guest total.

Unfortunately, due to a new university policy, graduates are unable to wear caps and gowns to the recognition celebrations. Please wear business casual and show off your amazing and unique personality!

Maybe! Only Bachelor students are eligible for honor cords. Honor cords are based on a percentage of the classes GPA, therefore changes each year. If you are eligible, you will receive an email with more details.

Unfortunately, due to the new University Policy, students cannot wear caps and gowns. Due to this, graduate students will not be hooded on stage.

The School of Education Recognition Celebration (May 13, 2025) is only for the School of Education students. Due to this, we have more time to recognize the students individually. Your name will be called, and you will have the chance to walk across the stage and shake hands with our Dean, Dr. Tambra Jackson.

The IU Indianapolis Commencement (May 15, 2025) is campus-wide, meaning every school at IU Indianapolis will be represented at the ceremony. However, names are not called, and students do not walk across the stage unless they are Ph.D. students. The perk of attending this ceremony is that you will receive diploma cover for free when you usually need to buy them separately.

The IU Indianapolis campus encourages students to attend the ceremony and the celebration.

We encourage you to attend both the campus-wide ceremony and the School of Education Recognition Event. However, neither of the events are required.

Yes, graduates will be called individually to walk across the stage at the May 13th Recognition Celebration.

Yes! If you are set to graduate in the Summer of 2025, we will still be celebrating your accomplishments on May 13th.